Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Daily Spectrum - Gallery Wall Talks #21

Throughout my Gallery Wall Talk series of blogs, I've mentioned several times that a major part of my art mission statement is the concept of beauty and capturing it on canvas or whichever material I happen to be painting on during any given day. Another love I've mused about is sunflowers. Certain aspects have always struck me about this particular plant. I love the colors, their boldness, and their uniqueness. Put the first two together and you can see why I love painting them!

Today's featured work is a watercolor on canvas, 11"x14" in size. Remember what I wrote about in regards to inspiration in yesterday's blog? That it can come from almost anywhere? This painting was no exception. I happen to me thumbing through a Woman's Day magazine (this was back in 2007) and came across a picture similar to my finished painting.

The bench in the painting was my personal one I had near one of my gardens. The watering cans were a combination of what was featured in the magazine as well as ones that a neighbor of mine had. I totally improvised in regards to the flowers.

I liked how the texture of the canvas could manipulate the run of the water below the red can onto the bench, then flowing onto the ground. Since the medium was watercolor, I had to be extremely careful not to use too much water for the effect, or the entire painting (or at least the bottom third) would have been ruined.

This pleasant, calming art work has a permanent place on my kitchen wall.

Until next time,
The Happy Artist,

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