Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Daily Spectrum - Gallery Wall Talks #20

As I've written before, every painting - whether it be on canvas, paper, or masonite; watercolor, acrylic, or oil - is unique and different. Even if I produce a series of works, all created in the same medium on the same materials, no two are the same.

Some works highlight a subject that is readily identifiable, like a floral or seascape. Some not so much like my numerous abstracts. Some are a combination of both like my abstract "Hidden Words" series, some of which were featured in a gallery showing back in 2012.

The inspiration for these works can be a simple, basic concept - whether that inspiration is in front of me in real life or from a photograph. Others come from the deeper levels of my consciousness - in other words, I can explain the end result much better than the original thoughts. At times, there is no thinking process; the paint and brush just flow where they will.

The work featured today is called "Chinese Squares". The work is a watercolor on canvas, 11"x14" in size. I gave this painting as a gift to a co-worker and friend at a time when she was getting prepared to leave for China. She had been there before and had an opportunity to go back. She asked what my inspiration for this painting was. She then discussed parts of the Chinese language such as pictograms as well as simple and complex ideograms.

I told her the symbols in the painting represent all I wished for her to have in her life - hope, peace, love, and prosperity. I then told her I saw something similar in a magazine and was inspired by it. See what I mean? Plain and simple inspiration. No digging through history or complex choices. I saw something, I liked it, it inspired me - I painted it. She absolutely loved the painting and still has it to this day.

Until next time,
The Happy Painter,

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