Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Painting For Pleasure Or Profit?

     I'm back in the trows aromatizing the kitchen with the blessed odor of turpentine - even though the door to my make-shift studio is open and it's a balmy 62 degrees; that's warm here in Maine for mid October.

     Life has taken many twists since my last blog post here; A quick recap: I seriously injured myself back in March while trying to embark on a Masters Degree program called Art in Education. After that intensive weekend - I quit. I had to listen to my body first and foremost, and then to a friend who shared her similar experience of pressing forward only to make it halfway through her Masters program. Now she still had to pay thousands of dollars back via her student loan.

     It made sense to me - I didn't even have my teaching degree, so in all reality, this Masters Degree program most likely wouldn't have even landed me a job in the end. I made a smart move by recognizing my folly before it was too late.

     March, April, and May - we encountered a financial crises as my husband lost his job while taking time off to assist me. Rent, as well as other bills, came due and we were short on cash. At that moment, the seed was planted; we had to move and alleviate ourselves of life accumulating stuff. I undertook the sorting and yard sailing mode for the months of May as well as June.

     In July, we began a series of sales. My paintings were on the lawn priced to go. The most uplifting customers where two young girls who loved my bright bold abstracts. I let two paintings go for the cost of materials, knowing they would be appreciated and taken care of - I rested easy on that decision.

     Another week, a man devalued my work when I asked for a bit more in the works selling price. He stormed off. I could tell he truly did not love the work. As a result, I didn't put my paintings out for sale again.

     As an artist, I put my heartfelt expressions of life into each of my works. Some may say, "It's your personality. They want to meet the creator." or "It's the novelty - you're in a yard sale, in Maine - people expect a cheap bargain."

     I know I was born to paint. I have quite a collection that I am carrying around with me. What to do about it? As of this writing, I honestly don't know. My works have been in galleries, in numerous shows, in outdoor art markets, on Etsy, on eBay, as well as Artspan. While I've sold numerous paintings in addition to reprints, I've only had small priced sales. It is time to rethink my sales tactics, and get back into the habit of painting daily.

     Until tomorrow -
     The Happy Painter,
     Jill Marie Langdon

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Daily Spectrum- Day Four - Part Four

Universal Abstracts

Completion of a dream.  This painting proves that anything done one step at a time can be done.  What seems insurmountable one day, can be worked on the following day.  Some days are harder to face than others, and some paintings too.

The uncertainty of what direction to take. Will this idea (or path) work out?  Is this my destiny?  Is this painting finished yet?  What more do you want me to do to you?  The questioning never ends...until there comes that one point, when there is no room left on the page to put any other mark.

I wonder if that is how it is with the Universe? Are there too many people? Have we come to completion in Creation? Or are there many more moons to be made?  Are there more plants to discover or places that haven't been exploited yet?

Imagine a universe where Love is understood by all peoples; where every person is filled with hope, peace, and joy.  Can you imagine all people smiling and laughing.

Just believe and it is so.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Are We There Yet

The Daily Spectrum- Day Three -  Part Three

     Daily painting blog - day # 21. No - you are not seeing or reading double. While this is the 2nd post that was done today, the one I published earlier was for yesterday... just trying to get caught up!

     I was off to a late start today with my painting. Distractions were easily found, although they were of a different variety than yesterday. The main distraction for today was my lack of focus - it was way off. My body was not cooperating, and the cold, damp weather here in the Northeast doesn't do my body any favors, either.

     It wasn't until the end of the afternoon that I found myself at a small crossroad - the ideas were really flowing by that point, but physically, I was starting to give out. I felt I made the wise choice (not the easiest however) by ending the day on a good note. The ideas will still be there tomorrow - by stopping now, so can I physically. 

The Daily Painting - "Paintus Interruptus"

     Daily painting blog - day #20. There are just some days when having a painting come to completion just doesn't happen... and yesterday was one of those days!

     Between the phone calls (regular business as well as birthday wishes), a client dropping by unexpectedly, and even the mailman ringing the doorbell because I had to accept a parcel - focusing on the dynamics of this painting did not happen in the cohesive manner in which I am used to.

     However - I did complete the work I set out to do. So, here it is - a work in progress. Part #2, day #2.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - The First Step

     Sometimes in art as well as in life, the first step can be an extremely scarey prospect. Luckily for me, I began this series of paintings via a pad of watercolor that I scribbled different designs on last summer after discovering more about Abstract Painting techniques. I followed the directions on how to begin.

     Then ideas began flowing; I spied a stencil of words and objects, and continued letting the symbols fall where they would.

     I've set a firm foundation on paper for this painting as well as for my life. Tonight (March 5th 2013) I am embarking on my journey further on the educational path: in pursuit of a Masters Degree in Arts in Education.

     I'm imagining what classes will be life; pushing past the fear and uncertainty; wishing the courses would be easy; hoping to understand the material; loving the art portion and being joy-filled to meet new people on the same path and believing this is the right course, in life, for me.

- J -

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - All That Is

     This painting began with a free flowing pencil design, then was overlaid with stencils. My next step was mixing a violet color and tracing all the lines. Afterwards, I filled in some violet spots as a background to add depth.

     With that completed, I painted in yellow with the idea of the painting being "light", red filled in the hearts that seemed to have come from nowhere, and green for any leaf shapes. The orange I used was for more light variety and the blue for sky as well as water areas.

     Lastly, I went over the entire design with metallic paints for reflective highlights. This gave the illusion of all the colors vibrating. This painting, believe it or not, contains seven layers. Seven is the universal number that means "completion". Just like God, it is time for me to give this painting a rest.

- J -

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - The Wild Winds Do Blow (Especially in the Scraps of Life)

     Daily painting blog - day # 16. A beginning of a painting was started last night when a few of my students needed directions;
Student: "How do I make clouds?"
Myself: "Well, what type of clouds do you want? Cumulus? Stratus? Cirrus?"
Student: "Big, puffy ones."
Myself: "Show me what your thinking on the scrap page."

     She began using black and blue to make a dark grey color for the bottom of her clouds. Unfortunately, she then got trapped into a stylized "C" and "U" forms. Then she stopped - frustrated - and said, "These don't look like clouds..."

     "Here, let me show you how to add some white and fluffiness to it." My wild side was set free as I dabbed the liquid around her creation. Instantly, a March sky was produced. Grey and cloudy with depth and dimension. The mood was set.

     She began working on her own painting and I continued to play with the paint that was already on the scrap piece of painting paper. My style of color was different than hers, which is perfectly fine, so I left it to be completed at another time.

     This morning with my palette of favorite colors - I added both Sap green as well as Hunter green for the pine trees to the island. Veridian and Yellow Ocre to the foreground and Sap green once again was used for grass blades to hint at the path to the water. Then I added a Peach blend over the sky to add the illusion of a sunset.

     Not bad for only approximately 20-30 minutes work in the morning. Now - onward into the depths of my soul for an abstract of light and love. The muse seems to be stopping by and I welcome it with open arms. I hope everyone has a day that is as fulfilling as mine is already. It's all in your perception. It's what you make of it.

- J -

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Amoungst The White

     One can tell here in Maine that winter is slowly winding down. The days are actually getting above the freezing mark, temperature wise, during the day. The inclement weather we're getting in a mix of snow and rain. The Blue Bird of happiness, to the best of my knowledge, is still down south. Instead, I saw the Blue Jay of winter.

     He was a handsome fellow (I think - they say you cannot tell males from females by appearance), while he sat quite still on the branch outside my window. He seemed to be content to pose for me. I was almost finished, he winked at me & flew away. He, like I, have things to accomplish on a day to day basis. At least I hope we enjoyed each others company for a while.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Living The Pieces

     In this artistic life, the unexpected always happens. Both my daughters are grown women each with two children. My oldest daughter has two school aged children, while my younger daughter has a pair of much younger offspring.

     However, even after careful planning by my oldest daughter, she informed me at 6am one morning recently that her younger sister, whom had "babysitting duty" that day, texted her, at 2:15am no less, to say that her two children were feeling very much under the weather. Thus came my 6am phone call that started with, "Hey... do you have any plans for today", and eventually led to, "Could you please watch the kids today?" As these situations usually progress, this first day was day one of a four day stint that week.

     Grammy duty took precedence over painting. However, be not dismayed. I have once again gained insight into the world of CHILD as well as fantasy land.

     Inspirations abound with reorganizing my time and space. I am in a non-existent creative painting part of my cycle. Working with words - word smything if you will - clipping from magazines and creating free form until I can once again catch the wave with the painting muse and discover more of me. While working with scrap-booking magazine, this piece spoke to me...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Riding Out The Storm

     Daily painting blog - day #13. Emotionally, I've come full spectrum. I have hit bottom and am drowning in depression. I couldn't continue painting. Just after lunch, I flipped the painting over so it was face down on my table in my studio. I didn't even want to look at it.

     I broke down into tears and wept all afternoon. Black thoughts crowded my mind - I felt useless and full of self pity. It felt like a great overwhelming grief. I was drained and felt horrible having left the piece unfinished. I beat myself up for not accomplishing my goal. What was I doing? Do I even want to continue doing this? Was I being unrealistic in doing a painting a day? Was the painting good or was it shit? Will people understand what I'm trying to accomplish?

     Moreover, who is this tyrant that pummels me? The Sea Monster... (all I see is the monster in me during these times).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Valentine's Day; A Day Of Love

     Daily painting blog - day #12. My love of color dominated the day. Stained glass effects - harlequin costumes, parties in my mind - joyful effects derived from my work.

     For the scientific aspect of my mind I can see cocoons, emerging catepillars, and a butterfly all overlaid each other. Or perhaps a cobra head, a green heart - symbolizing a heart full of life.

     I also see sailboats, a tall man dancing, and a blue goose. What do you see? Isn't the imagination a wonderful tool and gift?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Which End Is Up?

     Daily painting blog - day #11. Paintings, as with life, can present situations we don't know how to deal with. One painting was photographed yesterday when it was half done - then it was rephotographed today. By looking at the two images, it completely revealed how complicated emotions can be.

     I thought the work was near done yesterday except that I hated it. My mind was reeling with conversations I wanted to have with my people. My energy was dark and negative. Thus, it was reflected in the painting.

     Today, resolutions to those imagined conversations came to mind and I imagined I was playing that 80's video game Pac-Man while lightening up the dark areas thus lightening my mood. This was a highly successful day of painting for me!

The Daily Spectrum - It Will Be What It Will Be

     Daily painting blog - day #10. This post is actually for Monday as it took me 2 days to do the painting! However, trusting the process both in painting and in my daily rounds has never come easy for me. I am forced out of my comfort zone and into a world I do not understand. The drive to press onward - see what I can see - propels me forward.

     It is bright and bold - but is it beautiful? If it is, then it's a beauty I have yet to comprehend. I paint on into the depths of my soul, probing even deeper for meaning.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Do What You Love

     Daily painting blog - day #9. An overwhelming sense of passion and desire overtake me as I dream of the process of painting. Painting is a skill - the creating of illusions on a two dimensional surface. This skill has driven my zest for life for over 25 years. I awake to see what colors are painted in the sky and on the sea. I observe all the colors that surround me. Never have I seen the same colors twice in exactly the same way.

     Using external and internal channeling with the abstracts, I produce the very same color combination seen in the world only not ordered the same way.

     Only in ones imagination can the colors of God be perceived and loved - filled with the emotion of joy, patience, and kindness that only true devotion can bring.

     By doing what I love, my life abounds in the riches of Creation.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Lightening Up!

Daily painting blog - day # 8. It took me two days to get this painting finished. I visited the "dark side", had to find a balance, and the next day, I went at it again & "lightened up". So, while this entry is technically a day late, I was still painting & working. It goes to prove that you can choose your mood.

If your ever depressed or down about something - whether it's the weather, the cold, the lack of sunlight, or any other person, place, situation or thing - go get lightened up! Go paint, draw, color, whatever! You owe it to yourself!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Window Wonders

Daily painting blog - day #7. I paint by blind faith. I stare at a blank sheet of paper & trust the process that I learned a year ago. I sit under bright lights while the color flows from the brush leaving infinite marks and a trail of wonder. Not really understanding how or why - just that when it's done, it's perfect.

One could call this work "Brain Drain" - as when it's done, I am literally drained energy wise as well as brain dead. This work is a combination of acrylic and metallic paints and photographed using natural sunlight as back lighting.

The Daily Spectrum - Wild Wonders

Daily painting blog day #6. Experimenting with bright, wild colors - and going out of my comfort zone.
Also, having an interesting time trying to photograph these paintings. The metallic paints are very reflective of any camera flash or light. Found that back lighting works very well. Using the natural light of the sun produces some great results.

Now I have to finish all these types of works before sunset...

The Daily Spectrum - Reaching For New Heights

Daily painting blog - day #5. Had a treasure for Tuesday. As the title states, was reaching for new heights, painting wise. Used new type of metallic paints. The result resembles a rose window at the Chartrez Cathedral in France.

The Daily Spectrum - Up and Down Day

Daily painting blog - day #4. Was a manic Monday - once I was able to sit down and paint, this is what came out of me. Hence the name "spew"...

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Electricity... Or Lack Thereof

     Just like the title says - I had no electricity on Thursday due to a powerful winter storm. All rain, but the wind was a blowin'. As such, no lights in the studio - could not paint. Not enough battery power on the laptop - could not blog. They say the difference between chaos & order is electricity - so I took to pen, paper, and candles...

     "Every now and then, go away, have a little relaxation. For when you come back to your work, your judgement will be surer." - Leonardo da Vinci

     So - I feel okay about taking a day off, as long as I'm still creating art wise! We all know a picture is worth a thousand words, but since there is no painting, here are a few words I composed...     

     Any topic under the sun, the sun romances me,
     Winter morn, so pure and pink,
     Cold and crisp, the morning dew,
     Only enjoyed and savored by a few.

     Icy dew drop upon my face,
     Why am I here in such a cold place,
     Winter of my soul, dark as can be,
     Oh dear sun - please melt me.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Paints & Supplies

     Daily painting blog - day #3. Original art can be made on any surface - literally. Another painter I know is using pizza boxes for her creations. With this in the back of my mind, I plan to pursue odd shaped packing materials and see how things turn out. If anything, it should be fun and interesting!

     Student grade paints are okay for experimenting as it allows you the freedom to explore without worry of the cost. Craft paints do not hold up to the test of time very well. As your skills develop, you will want to advance to a professional grade paint for durability. In the world of art supplies, that old adage holds up - you get what you pay for.

     With today's technology, high tech prints can be made from a good photo printer of almost any brand. If you plan on making a living (or at least bring in some extra income), you can also print out your experimental pieces on decent photo paper and bring in more cash than your original via reprints.

     The bottom line is to play - express yourself! And don't worry about what it looks like!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Is It Art?

     What is an abstract painting? And is it art?

      An abstract painting is one that has only intrinsic form with little or no pictorial representation (or basic shape). The picture below is not an abstract:

     I am facing a pot of daffodils in my conservatory window as I write this and waiting eagerly for spring!

     So what is art? Art is a sacred activity. It is a process of becoming whole, completely new and alive. A visual beauty. My life is my art. Everyone has good and beauty within them. It is up to us to look until we find it. With some people, we must search harder; look deeper; have more patience and be able to tolerate our differences.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Daily Spectrum

     Daily painting blog - day #1. In line with Shakespeare's quote; "... to be or not to be", that is the question of life we all must respond to. For myself, "to be" is to paint on a daily basis. Without a daily brush stroke - I barely exist.

     Are you caught in the mid-winter doldrums? Craving something bright and new? Fresh air would be pleasant - or fresh cut flowers even better. We cannot just pick up and move to a different location, but there is another hope; we can pick up a paint brush and do some painting!

     I'm not talking about the drudgery of painting interior walls. I'm exonerating the hallowed fame of basic art supplies and water or acrylic paints. My name is J.M. Langdon and I've not only been a painter for over 35 years; I've grown into a fine artist. Self-expressionism is it's own form. How do we communicate with others?

     Traditional paintings depict scenes of reality for that particular time period - a recording of history if you will. Abstracts, on the other hand, record only the artists emotional status at that moment.

     I began exploring abstract painting back in November 2011 in preparation for a gallery showing that took place a few months later. Since my life is in creating, expressions of new realities flow through me from the land of light and love. The process begins with the design as well as the question - is this going to be a realistic rendering, or pushed beyond what it is into something completely different. This holds especially true in regards to my abstract works.

     The process itself takes over as I go into a trance (this is the best way I can describe it) and the painting becomes itself. This process used to scare me. Like many humans, I fear the unknown. We can be afraid of what we do not understand. However, the more I let go and let it be, the creative force takes over and masterpiece after masterpiece is created.

     Abstract painting is fast becoming one of the greatest opportunities for banishing malaise and reducing stress. I crank up the radio and dance to my painting. Michelangelo believed that sculptures were hidden in the marble he worked with. I believe visions are hidden within the blank canvases. It is my job to discover them. My work is to reveal the brilliance that wasn't there before. Each brush stroke brings me closer to the moment of crystal clarity, and in that moment I see a perfect reflection of myself.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Less Ordinary... More Extraordinary!

     If we had a dollar for every piece of negative advise, every getting-us-nowhere comment, criticism, and reason not to start Artscape Design Studios and market these designs - in all reality we probably wouldn't have to work for at least a month, if not more. It's not that people are trying to stop us from "making a big mistake" - in fact, they think they're being helpful. The bottom line is, is that they just don't understand. Things aren't all bad, however. If we had a dollar for every positive comment and encouragement, we could easily take two months off!

     Why these designs? Why now? First, we'll tackle the design aspect. Our designs literally scream; "fun... being alive...and kick up that mood another few notches". Think about it: Don't you feel a least a little more positive when you wear that yellow sweater than when you put on that gray sweatshirt? Clothing that's bright will help you be in a better mood and even make others around you feel better as they visually absorb your brightness and energy. That means you have the capability to help cheer up other people around you without even trying. Pretty cool, huh? During the winter, people tend to wear darker clothing, but the duller the colors you wear, the more depressed your spirit becomes. So be sure to wear richer, more vibrant colors because wearing lots of black and gray can cause depression. Or, as we say around here, "if it's cold - go for bold"!

     Patterns also amplify the effects of bright colors. When contrasting colors work in unison with each other, not only do the colors make the 1st shift towards being positive, but the pattern makes the 2nd shift towards that concept, because the mind is processing that information more intently, thus bringing it more to the forefront of consciousness.

     As for the second aspect of why now - we say, why not? Every day is a new start with no mistakes in it. One of the easiest aspects to change, even if a little at a time, is your wardrobe. Forget what other people, nay-sayers, and so-called experts think; do what feels right for you! In other words, less ego and more personal growth. Your ego can only live in the past or the future, and will attempt to feed on negative emotions. Bright colors and patterns as well as living in the now, will boost your spirits and your attitude. The better those aspects are, the more healthier you will be - literally. Don't believe us - Google it... go ahead.

     Those are some of the concepts we embrace here at Artscape Design Studios;
      - Less negativity and more inspiration
      - Less ego and more growth
      - Less fear and more confidence

     The bottom line here is, in a nutshell, more freedom. With our designs, there is a sense of true individuality. With almost 200 designs, there is literally a design for everyone. No excuses, no discussion about what is right or wrong, traditional or not, no labels and no limits. Maybe that touches your unconventional or outlaw spirit just a bit. If it does great. Maybe some of the designs speak to you on a level you can't quite put your finger on. If so, don't worry about it - just go with it.

     The ball, quite literally, is in your court, but we are still here to help you. Let us know what you think, what you like, don't like, what blows you away... whatever. If you feel like one of our customers who saw our designs and then tried explaining them to a friend; "They were absolutely awesome... incredible... beautiful. I love them! I tried explaining them to a friend of mine... but I couldn't. No words could fully explain what I saw. I told them they need to experience them, not just view them"... then we feel we've done a good job!

     Below are some more examples from our website http://artscapedesignstudio.wix.com/jadl
     Until next time, lots of light & love -

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Year... New Beginnings

     OK - we'll be the first to admit it; the title to this post sounds a little cliche or corny. It's right up there with "something old, something new..." or "today is the 1st day of the rest of your life..." or the one that always has befuddled us, "...the more things change, the more they stay the same". What does that last one mean exactly? In our humble opinion, any positive change is good and guess what - whomever it affects doesn't stay the same.

     This leads us to who we are as a company. We are Jill & Dave and we are the proud owners of Artscape Design Studios. We've established an art studio and design company based out of the beautiful state of Maine where we have combined the original fine art done by Jill, which has always been dedicated to beauty, and have combined it with technology - which is where Dave comes in.

     Our mission is to promote individual style while raising societal norms. With an eye to the future and being dedicated to beauty, we strive to use the power of colors to improve self-esteem, promote a positive attitude, while working through global unity.

     Over the past two and half decades, the fashion industry has flogged into our craniums that black makes you look thinner... or mysterious... or mysteriously thinner. However, we have noticed in the past few years a shift in consumer thinking where color is a good thing. The benefits of color are numerous. It brightens the day and uplifts your mood especially at times when you (or more commonly other people) are stressed out. People have color preferences and usually base their choices of products they use or wear based on the vibes it creates when they look at it or use the item. They choose their wardrobe and almost everything they consume or use based on the color to some extent. People have their own favorite color as well. Jill noticed that when she wore clothing with bright colors and wild patterns that she liked, she was more in the moment and felt more exuberant. This concept lead us on a journey to find some way to transfer her art works onto fabric as well as other materials.

     After we found a company that would perform this service for us, we went to work on the designs. As far as the end results are concerned, again marrying the concepts of fine art with technology, the designs are truly incredible. Even when we were first "playing around" with ideas, we never imagined, in our wildest dreams - well okay... maybe in some of our more wild dreams - could have predicted how the designs finally emerged. Here's an example of what we mean;

 Going from this -

To this -

     Artscape Design Studios now has almost 200 unique designs that can be utilized on any number of items - ranging from clothing such as summer dresses, shorts, tops, swim wear and intimates, to wall art, prints, and other household items. We currently have finished the process of making up prototype apparel so we can show clients and consumers exactly what they will look like. We are also in the process of licensing these designs. Our website also features numerous designs that you browse at any time. Our address is; http://artscapedesignstudio.wix.com/jdl

     Feel free to contact us at any time about our designs and products. You can contact us via the web site or by clicking on this link. We will be updating the website with more fresh ideas, concepts, designs, and products in the months to come! We're going to be more visible on Twitter, Etsy, LinkedIn, as well as Store Envy. Be sure to drop by and pay us a visit there as well! Thanks to all of you whom have already supported us!!

     We'll end this entry with another before and after  -

     Going From this -
     To this -