If we had a dollar for every piece of negative advise, every getting-us-nowhere comment, criticism, and reason not to start Artscape Design Studios and market these designs - in all reality we probably wouldn't have to work for at least a month, if not more. It's not that people are trying to stop us from "making a big mistake" - in fact, they think they're being helpful. The bottom line is, is that they just don't understand. Things aren't all bad, however. If we had a dollar for every positive comment and encouragement, we could easily take two months off!
Why these designs? Why now? First, we'll tackle the design aspect. Our designs literally scream; "fun... being alive...and kick up that mood another few notches". Think about it: Don't you feel a least a little more positive when you wear that yellow sweater than when you put on that gray sweatshirt? Clothing that's bright will help you be in a better mood and even make others around you feel better as they visually absorb your brightness and energy. That means you have the capability to help cheer up other people around you without even trying. Pretty cool, huh? During the winter, people tend to wear darker clothing, but the duller the colors you wear, the more depressed your spirit becomes. So be sure to wear richer, more vibrant colors because wearing lots of black and gray can cause depression. Or, as we say around here, "if it's cold - go for bold"!
Patterns also amplify the effects of bright colors. When contrasting colors work in unison with each other, not only do the colors make the 1st shift towards being positive, but the pattern makes the 2nd shift towards that concept, because the mind is processing that information more intently, thus bringing it more to the forefront of consciousness.
As for the second aspect of why now - we say, why not? Every day is a new start with no mistakes in it. One of the easiest aspects to change, even if a little at a time, is your wardrobe. Forget what other people, nay-sayers, and so-called experts think; do what feels right for you! In other words, less ego and more personal growth. Your ego can only live in the past or the future, and will attempt to feed on negative emotions. Bright colors and patterns as well as living in the now, will boost your spirits and your attitude. The better those aspects are, the more healthier you will be - literally. Don't believe us - Google it... go ahead.
Those are some of the concepts we embrace here at Artscape Design Studios;
- Less negativity and more inspiration
- Less ego and more growth
- Less fear and more confidence
The bottom line here is, in a nutshell, more freedom. With our designs, there is a sense of true individuality. With almost 200 designs, there is literally a design for everyone. No excuses, no discussion about what is right or wrong, traditional or not, no labels and no limits. Maybe that touches your unconventional or outlaw spirit just a bit. If it does great. Maybe some of the designs speak to you on a level you can't quite put your finger on. If so, don't worry about it - just go with it.
The ball, quite literally, is in your court, but we are still here to help you. Let us know what you think, what you like, don't like, what blows you away... whatever. If you feel like one of our customers who saw our designs and then tried explaining them to a friend; "They were absolutely awesome... incredible... beautiful. I love them! I tried explaining them to a friend of mine... but I couldn't. No words could fully explain what I saw. I told them they need to experience them, not just view them"... then we feel we've done a good job!
Below are some more examples from our website http://artscapedesignstudio.wix.com/jadl
Until next time, lots of light & love -
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