Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Artists Life - Warm Wishes

   I just finished reading one of my favorite books, "Make Your Creative Dreams Real" by SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) and when I turned one of the pages, a Christmas postcard from a deceased neighbor dropped out and landed face up on the floor. Memories flooded me - not only about my neighbor, that former neighborhood we used to live in, but also the dream of creating cards.

   Most people wouldn't know it, but I'm a nostalgia buff. The postcard depicted a cozy fire in a brick fireplace with festively-wrapped presents off to one side. I briefly thought of our old farmhouse we owned over 15 years ago and then sold in 2006 when my husband and I started to downsize. That farmhouse made me feel "at home". The cape that was built in 1820, with it's antique decor, wide pine floor boards, and rainbow colors, surrounded me like a warm familiar comforter blanket. Ironically, as large as the house was, there was no real studio space for me to create like I had before and since then. Back at the turn of the millennium, I still worked a full-time position in a local school department, working with junior and high school students as well as teaching art. Whether it was at the end of the day or the week, there was precious little time left to pursue my private activities, although somehow I managed to squeak in some journaling as well as being able to finish a painting over the course of 1-2 months. Back then, I had artistic dreams all over the place; from painting full time, to making cards, to God knows what else.

   Fast forward to October 2017. I've had an interesting week - I still managed to paint every morning for about an hour and a half on abstract designs. My husband and I then photograph the paintings, transfer the files onto our computer, where we use a program to create a quad-reverse (also known as a 4-fold mirror) and transform the design into something totally new that ranges from beautiful to totally off-the-wall. I hope to sell these designs to textile companies or through art licensing companies.

On Wednesday, I had a new acquaintance stop over to my home and she commented on a large 30"x40" oil painting that her recently-married daughter would absolutely love. I let it go to a newlyweds home. Thursday was my Zumba class, which I always look forward to. In recent weeks, we've welcomed a new instructor and she's been full of surprises. One week she wore electric dance leggings (not literally, but design-wise - I may have found an outlet for my designs). This past week, she brought in scarves with silver medallions all around them. These scarves were tied around the waist (and covered our butts). When we moved our hips - we jangled as well. I took a sky blue scarf and tied it on... and started wiggling. I was a kid in a candy store. This one little accessory ramped up my dancing class to a whole new level of fun!

   On Friday morning, my abstract painting reflected my energy level. I felt young, excited and eager to face this day. That afternoon was also the party to celebrate my 2nd oldest grandsons 8th birthday. Prior to that, I walked a 2-mile trail through the woods near our local medical center that meanders down by the ocean. Along this path, people leave and take Grace Rocks (which I also painted for a number of years - another dream fulfilled). A vast number of different rocks have been exchanged all summer. The best one I've found so far read "Shine On". To top the week off, my husband purchase some day-glow orange (literally) nail polish since it's getting close to Halloween.

   So what does my past week have to do with fulfilling dreams? That while I need to keep painting - I also need to stay full of positive energy. This will keep me in the proper mindset and maintain the drive to keep pursuing my dreams and allow them to come to fruition.

   Until next time, warm wishes.

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