Sunday, September 3, 2017

Spread The Love - Like A Sunflower

   This past week, I feel like the enlivened Phoenix that rises from the ashes. Pretty strong description, no? Why this massive turn in attitude? I met a tourist from California a few days ago who is also an artist - a painter specifically. We were at a meeting in our state's capital in Augusta, and once we both discovered we were painters, there was no stopping the conversation. She shared with me about the "Sketchbook Project" that is based out the Brooklyn New York Public Library. Once I arrived home, I researched this project on-line and immediately got on-board with this project. The library calls it, "A crowd funded sketchbook museum and community space."
In a few weeks, they will mail me a blank 5x7 inch SBP sketchbook and some starter materials. I will then sketch, draw, color, paint, and/or do whatever I wish with the book based on a particular theme of my choosing. I'll mail the completed project back by March 31st 2018, and my work will be in their big art show later that year in June. From there my book will reside in Brooklyn Art Library's permanent collection, travel to exhibitions across the country and become part of a massive worldwide community of creative people. Lastly, for a nominal fee, they will digitize each page of my book (which will be no more than an inch think) so it can be viewed on the library's website. People, in turn, look at all the art works and then commission artists to do other larger works.

   As of this writing, I can't quite put a pulse on as to the why, but I do know this much; I am on fire. My theme will be a subject I've always been passionate about - sunflowers. Over the past few days, my mind has been reeling with ideas as well as sunflower images. Questions like, should I work safely in one medium or should I display my vast repertoire of knowledge of a variety of tools? For those of you who may be wondering, am I giving up on writing my book? No - not by a long shot. I plan to finish the book between now and the end of 2017, where my husband Dave will add his portions to the book, and proof-read (which he is way better at that than I am - I don't have the patience!) I will start the sketchbook project in January 2018. That will give me enough time to complete that.

   Some of the preperations undertaken to date - I decluttered quite a bit of my studio, especially of older artworks. Currently, I have fifteen paintings on display at a gallery in Tenants Harbor Maine until the end of September. They are all for sale and I'm hoping they all go to good homes. The ones that do not sell, will then go to another gallery in Camden Maine for the month of October, where they will be joined with other new works, if necessary.

   I realize as an artist, that my studio (which is quite small) isn't prime for a large customer base. Marketing myself has always been a rocky journey, even though I've sold works at every venue I've ever displayed at. My husband is a huge help, however, he has a 45 hour per week job and he has to market his own photographic works. Needless to say, the logistics of time and effort have not panned out financially like I would like. I realize I need a broader client base.

   What this all boils down to is, I have to become a serious artist / painter again. I must practice my trade every day. If you've noticed, over the past several months, I've stalled out as a painter; gone on hiatus; literally come to grips with giving it up permanently. I've had a hard time creating a routine. While I have numerous daily rituals, I allow people to occupy a majority of my time. I have come to the conclusion, once again, that I need a balance. A balance between work (art and writing), family and friends, and my husband. I need equal time for myself as well as others. The big question is, do I have that balance? Will I achieve that balance?

   As the summer season winds down, I will be making some changes. First things first - God, then myself, then my husband, then my family. My social life has been flourishing all summer, as this season is way too short (at least it seems to me). I have made the best usage of it as possible. However, I feel the time has come to buckle down, reschedule my time, balance my life, and get to work. I've had to cancel some coffee dates during the week until next summer. My friends understand, and we will keep in touch every week. If I'm not careful, I have a tendency to isolate. They also know that - that's why we touch base frequently. Some of my choices will be hard to make. I did not chose my talent; however, I do chose to honor it. Painting is my life. Yes, I have other interests and even passions, but painting is still number one.

   Until next time,

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