Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - What Is Ugly?

"Let the beauty we love be what we do." - Rumi

If, we as artists, have ever taken the time to contemplate this following thought, there is so much beauty in painting a shape for the first time. Truly think about it. I am still amazed when I witness that special moment where the body, mind, and spirit join together in one action. The creative force molds its work as simply and boldly as it must. How alive is this totally original and perfectly authentic creation. I'm not attempting to push you off the deep end here, but when one thinks about the creative process, it is truly incredible.

In my opinion, every painting has its cycle of birth, growth, and death. It has a beating pulse. There are many levels of completion. Often a time, when I'm creating an original piece of art, at one point during the actual physical painting of the work, I think I am finished. Then, an inspiration suggests something more. Sometimes it's hard to explain, but suddenly with this particular work, I must plod onward... challenge myself further. I've been amazed at how easy and joy filled I've been as I am carried by a new wind of change. I've reached beyond my self-imposed limitations and have become more passionate in my work. I believe all artists, at some point, face a void. Then relinquish control and turn in to the deeper energies within us. When this occurs, we become receivers - not doers.

Creative painting is an exploration into my inner landscapes. The painting requires the fragrance of my life force - no thinking is required. Life is born of itself. When I've done everything I can without forcing anything, the process of creation is fulfilled. There have been times I've questioned what it means to trust oneself... to trust the wisdom of my own soul. I know why I question myself; it is usually based in some type of fear. However, if I can disconnect from that thought, I have found it is best to let the soul do its work without any interference.

To create is to unite with my spirit. I abandon myself to call on my intuition. Even though I have a cold and have felt miserable all weekend, the soul within me came back to what I truly am - dazzling - a sparkling soul. Creating is a meditative activity. It happens when everything inside and out joins in one action. I was lifted out of my dismal abyss effortlessly as the brush caressed the canvas.

According to the calendar, Spring is just 11 days away. However, it has been colder than normal and the only time it warms up, is when it's raining. Also, for the second weekend in row, it has been brutally cold and windy. Temperatures have been running as much as 20 to 30 degrees below normal... and there's a decent size snowstorm due to arrive in approximately 48 hours. Yippee.
I sometimes struggle this time of year as winter moves into it's fourth and final month here in New England. I really haven't felt motivated to go into the studio. Today was the first day in over a week that I actually painted. However, I don't look at the situation, I look at myself. I'm still an artist, I still love what I do, I still have passion for art - I'm all good.

The painting below is the last in my oil spill series (at least to my knowledge as of this moment). The series has taken me from a drop to the ocean. The first painting, which represented a drop of oil on the ground, to the painting below which represents a large sea turtle in the ocean, the series is complete. All  my frames for these works have arrived and will be framed next month, ready for the shows I have upcoming this summer and fall. This series has once again proved that it is the journey that is important - not the destination.

Until next time,
The Happy (and Stuffy Nose) Painter,

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