Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - Finishing Touches

   This week came and went in a blur. It was one of those weeks where you felt like to accomplished a great deal, but when you look back, you start to question just exactly how much you actually got done. I do remember numerous things; when I say this I coming from a place of recollection... my friends call it the start of dementia.

   I remember going for my daily walks, meetings with clients, writing my book, taking care of the business end of things, and seeing my kids and grandchildren on two different days. One of those days involved a sleepover. I also remember being just too tired to paint. In fact, I didn't even pick up a canvas until today (Sunday) and touched up three of them. This week was most likely just like your week - where there were good days and not-so-hot ones. There were challenges and victories. I had inspiration, and at times my mind was blank when it came to painting or writing.

   But today was the day. I was more rested and the sun was shining brightly in my studio. With renewed energy I painstakingly stroked on the nail polish. Up close, the polish doesn't seem to add all that much to the work. Yet when viewed from at least six feet, an amazing transformation occurs. It was as if the painting was in a caterpillar type state and now it has emerged as an iridescent butterfly.

   My excitement and anticipation for my upcoming shows this summer are mounting. In one way, I can't wait to see the public's opinion of these works in person. Then again, I've never been one to handle criticism very well. That's one reason why my husband handles all the marketing and sales aspects in regards to my art. I just don't want to deal with it. Then again, peoples opinions must be taken with a grain of salt; and regardless of whether it is positive or negative, it does not reflect on who I am as an artist nor as a person. To my own self be true.

   Until next time,
   The Happy Painter,

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