Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - Finishing Touches

   This week came and went in a blur. It was one of those weeks where you felt like to accomplished a great deal, but when you look back, you start to question just exactly how much you actually got done. I do remember numerous things; when I say this I coming from a place of recollection... my friends call it the start of dementia.

   I remember going for my daily walks, meetings with clients, writing my book, taking care of the business end of things, and seeing my kids and grandchildren on two different days. One of those days involved a sleepover. I also remember being just too tired to paint. In fact, I didn't even pick up a canvas until today (Sunday) and touched up three of them. This week was most likely just like your week - where there were good days and not-so-hot ones. There were challenges and victories. I had inspiration, and at times my mind was blank when it came to painting or writing.

   But today was the day. I was more rested and the sun was shining brightly in my studio. With renewed energy I painstakingly stroked on the nail polish. Up close, the polish doesn't seem to add all that much to the work. Yet when viewed from at least six feet, an amazing transformation occurs. It was as if the painting was in a caterpillar type state and now it has emerged as an iridescent butterfly.

   My excitement and anticipation for my upcoming shows this summer are mounting. In one way, I can't wait to see the public's opinion of these works in person. Then again, I've never been one to handle criticism very well. That's one reason why my husband handles all the marketing and sales aspects in regards to my art. I just don't want to deal with it. Then again, peoples opinions must be taken with a grain of salt; and regardless of whether it is positive or negative, it does not reflect on who I am as an artist nor as a person. To my own self be true.

   Until next time,
   The Happy Painter,

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - Polishing It Up

   Until I wrote this post, I guess I never fully realized just how much the "little things" added up. Everything from how I spend my time to the weather. And most of those little things also effect my studio time and painting. This week began with a 24-hour blizzard (the first one in two years) and a snow day for not only my two oldest grandchildren but also for my husband Dave. We had them sleepover Sunday night into Monday afternoon. We enjoyed everything from pizza, movies, board games - you name it. We had an absolute blast. However, this also equated to zero studio time.

   Tuesday was Valentine's Day - I focused my creativity in making a few hand-made cards. My husband and I enjoyed a romantic dinner that evening; which to our surprise, was the first in about three months. Thursday is the day I get all the "business" aspects done in regards to my profession, and Friday is writing day, mainly working on my latest book.

   That left Wednesday as the only day this week I grabbed studio time. See what I mean by all these "little things" adding up? Don't get me wrong - they are very positive aspects in my life, very necessary, and it all leads to a balanced life. However, there's always that perfectionist ego that stands on my shoulder and whispers from time to time, "You're not spending enough time in the studio. You're not painting." Can be very annoying...

   So Wednesday was painting and polishing day. I worked on three paintings that were part of my oil spill series. Like others in this series, I applied sparkling gel to each one, one gel color at a time. I must admit, this aspect of my creative process is very meditative for me. I work with a tiny brush and have to repeat the strokes many times. I was very particular in the polish colors I chose and I've been very pleased with the results. The polish adds more depth to the work and helps eliminate "flat" areas and color. Best way I can describe the outcome is more radiant. Six months ago, I would've never imagined the finished results. By sheer exploration with a basic product - play if you will.

   Like I mentioned earlier in the post, it's the little things that can add up. It's also the little things in life that truly matter. Whether it be little strokes, little folks, or a little free time.

   Until next time,
   The Happy Painter,

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - Twists And Turns Of Fate

   Seasons change - and even within a season, elements can change rapidly. As I write this, the sky is grey and another snow storm is due to hit. Less than a week ago, I had bare ground outside my studio. By Monday night, there will be over two feet of white winter powder. The same can said for a painting; an artist can look at it, work with it, and struggle with it for weeks or months. Then, at a moments change, it evolves into something completely different. There are the occasional times when I struggle to get myself to paint; there's not as much natural light, the muse isn't with me, or I just feel like snuggling and being cozy on my sofa.

   Life in general, can also mirror the creative process. Even as something as routine as going to a weekly church service. My husband Dave and I have been engaging in this ritual together for over 30 years. But, like the creative process, sometimes I fight it. It's too cold, I'm too tired, or maybe I just don't feel motivated to go. However, just like engaging in creativity, if we get lazy, we will miss extraordinary moments in what seems like ordinary. For example, if we didn't go to church this morning, we wouldn't have realized that today is "World Marriage Day". Furthermore, we would not been part of the married couples "renewing of our vows" portion of the service. By engaging and being in the moment, it was very moving. Dave and I looked into each others eyes the entire time we recited the vows given during the service.

   Needless to say this day has been surprising. Dave and I have been like a couple of young kids all day. We share each others passion - just like we recognize the others passion for creativity. He understands how and why I literally throw my soul into my art. Ditto with his photography. The day has been full of twists and turns. It reminds me of this past week as I went over three more paintings I had done several months ago. I added darker colors to the works, (similar to what I did to the paintings in last weeks post), but I also retraced the twists and turns of the lines in the paintings.

   Like a marriage, a painting, over time, goes through changes that in the long run can make for a better, more vibrant work in the end.

   My love to all,
   The Happy Painter,

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - Writer In Maine

   February can be a difficult month in general, but even more so here in Maine. Like numerous parts of the country that get their fair share of cold and snow, I had another snow / ice / rain day last week to stay in the studio and paint. While I was inspired by the pastel colors of the sky that lit up when the sun came out briefly towards the end of the day, I had zero desire to venture outdoors. However, that inspiration from Nature was enough motivation to "lighten up" three of my canvases that I did early on in my oil spill series. I'm more confident of the colors that "work" together now and I was able to go over some older works with ease and unify the composition without the worry of "ruining" them.

   We had the opportunity of having our only grand-daughter sleep over this past Friday night. She's 10 years old and as lively as can be. In other words, she's darn good at it. But, opportunities like these will become more rare in the near future. It gives my husband Dave and I another chance to be young at heart. We can't let these moments slip through our fingers like sand. As we journey through this life, it's another reminder of what I was born to do - for example, to paint and be a grandparent.

   We watched a classic Disney flick called "The Apple Dumpling Gang", which Dave and I shared many years ago with our own kids. Most of you are probably familiar with the movie, but for those who aren't, here it is in a real nutshell. The story takes place in the old wild west where no one wants three young orphans. It's not until the kids discover a huge amount of gold in a mine they've inherited, that everyone and their brother wants to adopt them. The two main characters, who can't stand each other at the beginning, grow fond of each other as well as the kids. Of course, before everything works out in the end, there are twists and turns, but finally they all live happily ever after. The bottom line with this movie is, you never know where life is going to take you, and along the way, one of your true purposes is usually revealed.

   Another case in point - 30+ years ago, I never dreamed I would be living along the ocean in Maine, in my studio, mentoring my grand-daughter in art. While my husband was out doing some much needed errands (like getting more food in the house for this 10-year old to eat), my grand-daughter and I moved tables and chairs in my studio and began to create. First, it was collage. Then, it was making some clothes and a blanket for her dolls. A few hours later, we all attended a monthly "art lab" at the local contemporary art museum. Our grand-daughter has come to love these labs, mainly because she can get creative while following an extremely loose set of rules. Sounds a lot like her grandmother...

   Creating is a miracle of life. We celebrate this miracle all week - whether it be from painting, to making meals with love, to entertaining a 10-year old. When you do what you are born to do - which is a great many things - miracles do happen.

   Until next time,
   The Miracle Painter,