Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Painting Spectrum - The 2nd Time Is The Charm

   I worked large this week... on two 24x30 inch works that were started on 1/4" Masonite board. Actually, a more appropriate term would be, "Started, finished, started again". I thought I had these works completed, (more in my oil spill influenced series), but it was afterwards that brought on the change. Over the period of a week, I kept looking at them - and dwelling over them. It seemed the more I looked, the more I saw, and the more I didn't like. One of them, I originally entitled "Orgasm". In this painting, I did in fact see a naked woman, sexual energy, and bright colors. But the more I showed it, several of my friends were pulling other people and images out of the painting as well. I started getting a little freaked out.

At times, it's not easy being an artist, as our own imaginations can get the best of us. I also realize that one of the realities with abstracts is that different people will see different things. However, I ultimately am the one who created it and has to live with it. So, this past week, I put my big girl panties on and decided to either modify or completely paint over two paintings, including this one. I used the same technique as in previous sessions when I painted the rose as well as other works. I ended up with more of a 3-D effect and the naked lady (as well as all other personnel) disappeared. Now, I have what resembles a forest in a canyon or a waterfall in the woods, and a tidal pool. At least this is what I see...

Like the paintings before, I just show up at the canvas or board, prepared to be inspired. I work my method and creative process, so therefore I am not surprised that no two paintings look alike. From quilts, to floral works, to oil spills, the results continue to amaze me. And that's a good thing.

My husband has finished my new website (, and we have applied for showings in Tenants Harbor and Camden next summer and fall. These will be joint shows - a first for us. While I am excited about showing and my new paintings, there is always the basic nut-and-bolt work of getting more frames, advertising, marketing, receptions, and so on. Even with all this readiness, I am thrilled to show publicly what I been slaving over.

I was born to paint and someday the entire world will be seeing or using products designed with my works. And it will happen before I'm dead. Some say this is a dream or I can't be certain. However, if I don't put that affirmation out to the cosmos, it has zero chance of happening. Especially if I don't believe it. Time takes time; or as my husband always tells me, "You gotta have more patience..."

Until next time,
The Happy Abstract Painter,



                  The 2nd work

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