Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Weekly Spectrum - Two Pink Roses

   I'm unsure as to why this still comes as a surprise to me; the summer is flying by! I have been spending a great deal of time outdoors, dealing with some personal issues, painting, photographing inspirations to paint, visited the the beach once or twice, and painted even more! My painting lately has been mostly for escape purposes, more than anything. I'm not a technological person - people who know me, realize that. If one thing regarding my art that will fall by the wayside, it is the technology aspect of blogging, website updates, and social media. It has been a gorgeous summer here in Maine and it seems the only thing I do while inside is paint! So my apologies for the Weekly Spectrum being not so weekly yet again...

   I've said before, "...inspiration is where you find it." These beauties were given to me by my oldest daughter Meg - freshly cut right out of her flower beds in full bloom. At that time, (back in early July), they were healing balm for a sorrowful heart. A very dear friend of mine had been fighting brain cancer for 10 years and unfortunately, she lost the battle.

   I visited her in the hospital just over a month ago when her doctors told her and her husband she only had a week to live. Well, one week turned into two, which turned into approximately five weeks. She was able to leave the hospital, go home, and be with family and friends until she passed peacefully. She was a strong soul, but felt at peace in her final weeks.

   At this point, it doesn't truly matter how I painted this particular work. The process, the colors, any frustrations I went through - don't even register on the scale when compared to my dear friend. She passed way too young, but lived a full life. These roses remind me of this woman's beautiful soul - never to be harmed again. Peace be with you, my dear friend.

Until next time,

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