Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Daily Spectrum - South Addeison Farm With Poppies

   My first order of business is to say thanks to all those who have read my blogs and have embraced my new series on barns. I'm glad you like them! This entire series is being done in oils - which is also my response to an email I received the other day. A particular art & barn aficionado asked why I was only publishing about two blog posts a week, (she was bumming they aren't daily at this juncture), when my blog is entitled, "The Daily Spectrum". The simple answer is, I have to wait for the paint to dry for at least a few days before they can be photographed, otherwise the glare from any lights brings out an unwanted shine and tweaks the colors something awful. So - my apologies in advance for the delays.

   Week number two of the barn series begins with a photo that I liked from a book that was on my work table. The composition is of poppies with the barn and farmhouse in the background. I was taken in by the write up about this flower symbolizing the eternal and everlasting quality of the perennial always returning.

   However, I'm not sure if this farmhouse and barn are lived in and utilized now. Will this barn be repaired and kept up? From the photo, the place seemed abandoned. The grass looked overgrown and there are no tire tracks or path to the barn. Perhaps this piece of real estate is up for sale and will have new owners breath life back into it.

   On Wednesday of last week, I had to redraw the composition as my point of view (or perspective) was off, even though it made for an interesting piece. However, I desired that the painting be readable to the viewer and not abstract or confusing. At first, my main concern was for the poppies. I appreciate what they symbolize. Plus, I enjoy the drama of the bright red against the natural carpet of green. Lastly, I wanted to use the flowers to give a sense of distance between them and the buildings.

Until next time,
The Happy Painter,

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