In the camping world, the term primitive refers to a tent - it is a basic shelter and a site that has no running water, electricity, or sewer service. People who camp in these sites cook over an open fire they build themselves. This can be rather tedious work as well as time consuming. Yet in the "primitive age", people had all day to take care of their basic needs.
Primitive in painting or drawing is more of an expression of wild abandon. There are no lines - only marks or splatters. The color choices are random and contrast seems the mode of the day.
I have felt that the art I've created in the past month has been primitive. They were done outdoors at a picnic table when the weather was cooperative. I also used basic materials - in some cases, crayons and markers, as I need my work to dry quickly while we were still traveling on the road.
Does having a studio matter? Yes it does. Oil paintings need six months to dry completely. A warm, dry, ventilated studio is preferable.
Every experience leaves impressions within the artist. When a series of paintings is completed, there will be a sense of cohesiveness within that series. Either the same materials (or color palette) is used, or the same five brushes were used, or perhaps the works were all the same size. All those factors come into play - but do the paintings or works still contain their primitive quality? Or do they become a stale repetition of one another? "The artist has perfected his or her technique - ho or she is now deemed a Master Painter." Is this truly a goal that should be sought after?
When a plant or animal has reached its peak - it dies. I want to continue to grow and change constantly. I may get my studio and set up my oils again. I have over 800 photo reference pictures of my favorite subject, but between each classical piece, I think I must break out - be primitive again in order to never lose my life spirit.
Until next time,
The happy painter,
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