Monday, April 21, 2014

The Daily Spectrum - Thoughts On Joyfilled Living

Continuing from my previous blog post and the thought of my personal goal to feel the joy of life in a genuine way, I'd like to pass along thoughts on a joy-filled life. If you think about it, these points can also be used in the process of creating art - just modify it a little:

1). Focus on how I want my body to feel (ie; pain free).
2). Be confident - look people in the eye.
3). Let seasons guide my eating habits. The Earth grows what you need where you need it.
4). Stay grounded while moving forward.
5). Take charge of your reflection - love it.
6). Transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary is to be enlightened.
7). Change happens between the acceptance of now and the anticipation of whats to come.
8). Wellness is about making your life bigger - not smaller.
9). Push past your physical limits.
10). Nothing connects you to who you are - quite like the people who knew you when.

Until next time,
The happy painter,

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