Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - Lover's World

   Someone once told me a number of years ago, that "... time flies faster the older you get." I guess now that I'm older, I can agree with that unproven wisdom. Time does indeed seem to go faster. My grand-niece was born about two weeks ago, and I have been struggling to find the time to juggle multiple projects in order to get them all done in a timely manner. I think one of the problems is because since time is now going faster, I can't see where it's all going. Or maybe my eyesight is going...

   I began crocheting a baby sweater back in December and was still working on it this past week. Monday's are one of usual painting days, but it was crocheting instead. Working overtime may be a more accurate description, but I was determined to finish the sweater before the baby outgrew it! The same drill was done for the next three days right through Thursday. By that time, I had sewn all the separate pieces together and was finishing up the ruffle. Shortly thereafter, the little hat that went with the sweater was also completed. By late Friday morning, I had the sweater, the hat, a small baby quilt, and a congratulations card all packed and ready to go. Finally - done!

   I was feeling a little high strung - full of energy after such a success of completion. I found an 18" x 24" primed canvas and placed it on my easel. I laid out my paints and brushes and then searched for an oil-spill photo for a very basic composition. I began with yellow streaks across the canvas. I followed that up with orange, pink, green, sky blue, and dark violet. I was only about twelve inches away from the canvas. The pattern I created looked wild up close, but not very appealing. I moved the easel about ten feet away and walked away from it. I then turned around and sat on my sofa.

   The work looked completely different from a distance. The lines all flowed together with almost no gaps as I had seen up close. Patterns emerged - at the bottom portion of the canvas, I saw patterns and figures that looked like lovers. The remaining space represented their energy in the room. My husband says he sees other lovers in the work, but I'll leave that up to you. I am quite content with the way the last few paintings I've completed have turned out.

   Saturday is always family day. My husband Dave and I took our two oldest grandkids to see the movie "Sing", which I think most people, by now, are pretty familiar with. If not, you can Google it. Better yet, go and see it. It's a good movie, even though it is geared for kids. Without posting any spoilers, the theme was, in regards to your passion, just do it. Do it afraid. Believe it or not, I feel that way every time I face a blank canvas. Will this work be good enough? Will people like it? Will someone purchase it?

   In the end, I just end up doing it. It is my passion. I know this - and I must follow it.

   Until next time,
   The Happy Painter,

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - From A Drop To An Ocean

   While I was at the easel last Monday, carefully applying the colors of the spectrum in order, ie; from yellow, orange, red, green, blue to violet, I went into a trance-like state - at least that's the best way I can describe it. An inner peace came over me and I surrendered to it. Every move I made felt right. Each decision about color was harmonious to the last one as well as to the next one. I guess this is my way of saying I was in the flow.

   For this blog, I brought out the first five paintings that I created as part of my "Oil Spill" inspired series. I decided to compare and contrast them to my most recent works. The elements of color, design, and emotional energy have been chosen for this discussion. I've also included several photos of the works in this series. However, due to file size and space, I can't include them all. I feel that the ones I've selected can show the changes.

   The first painting entitled "Sunburst", is bright, bold, and dynamic in color. However, the design is simple. Even with a basic circular design, the emotional energy is vibrant. The second work in that series, "Gold Vein", follows the same design concept but the viewer can see an end result that is different because it looks totally different. Remember, it's not necessarily the subject matter we're looking at; it's the under-lying elements.

    By the third and fourth paintings, I started seeing some minor changes. "Fall Sunflowers" had much of the same emotional tone and bright colors, but seemed to come across more somber. On the other side of the coin, "Seagulls Looking For Food", had more energy, color, and movement, but offered a lighter or humorous side to things.

   These next two paintings show where elements start to change. This is all part of the exploring and creative process. I'm not comparing whether they are "better" than the others. In fact, clients and the public in general, seem to like the bright contrasting colors more so than pastel colors. "Hills And Valleys" was the first pastel experiment. The design is more complicated, although the emotional energy has been described as wistful. Not my words... but people who have viewed it! "Babe In A Manger" contained many shapes and lines, but the overall effect of the pastel colors, the rounded curves and lines, as well as the overall flow, slowed down the energy even though it was positive.

   The last two paintings, "Bathers At Pool" and "Sea Turtle", which were done over the past week and a half, return to bright and bold color values with some pastel mixed in. Their designs are still somewhat more intricate, especially in the Turtle painting as it comes across rather dimensional. It is also a good example of works that may have similar colors and even patterns, but the energy is different.

   One of the best outcomes of comparing these paintings, is in regards to an inner inventory I've taken of myself as an artist. With this series, which has been ongoing for approximately six months, I have witnessed a growth in my confidence and even my skill, as I've fearlessly experimented with color, forms, and technique to achieve more polished works that I am proud of. It's not a question of getting better - am I growing as an artist? Am I willing to stick my neck out and try new things knowing full well I may fall flat on my face?

   This reminds me of when I was in college, (and no, I'm not going to specify when that was). I had a ceramics professor who gave us an assignment to create a series of works using a theme that showed growth. One student created a series of bowls. I created a series of vases that had spikes and prickles all over them. I even made a blow fish as inspiration. The other student told me she thought it was a "very kindergarten idea" when I made my fish. But from that, I not only made several vases, but also a series of sea plants that were tubular and slightly twisted in shape (like they were flowing in water) also with spikes and prickles. I was curious to see what I would end up with after they were glazed and fired in the kiln. To everyone's surprise, including the professor (she thought the spikes and prickles wouldn't survive the kiln process), they came out brightly colored, polished, and wild looking. All because I experimented and trusted my creative process; whether the finished ceramics would survive or not was not the only final goal. In fact, I still have several of those pieces in my house today.

   Until next time,
   The Growing Painter,

 "Sea Turtle"


"Gold Vein"

"Hills And Valleys"

Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - New Year, New Goals, New Experiences

   It is that time of year when we want to make a fresh start with certain aspects of our lives. We write lists of goals, we may even make a bucket list of sorts; We visualize hopes or dreams or wishes we want to come true. Sometimes we keep them, sometimes not. I have many goals for all aspects of my life and I find I have to prioritize my lists to what I value most about my life.

   Despite being the artist that I am, to the point where if I don't paint and create, I will die, my family comes first on my list. I spend my evenings and the weekends with my husband. Every Thursday afternoon, I spend time with my youngest daughter and her two boys, and every Saturday afternoon with my other daughter and her two kids. The rest of the week, I have to myself. While I have various commitments, I really don't have too much in the way to hold me back from painting on a daily basis. And sometimes it hits me: Why is it so hard sometimes for me to sit and paint?

   Over the past two weeks, I feel I have some sort of an answer - it's called life. I'll give you some examples of what I mean. I actually completed two new paintings this week. I have to let the oil paint dry for two weeks before I can apply a coating of glitter nail polish. If you recall some previous posts, you'll remember this is something new I'm experimenting with and seeing mostly decent results.

   Over the past two weeks, I had the chance for the first time to use iridescent oil paints. Even though I've completed three works with them, I'll be honest with you - at this juncture I really don't like the looks of them. They dry faster than traditional oil paints, but that's not enough for me to keep using them. I may try some nail polish on them, who knows. At least I can say I tried them.

   Last week I became a great-aunt once again. The newest addition to the family was born on Friday the 13th at 3:30am. Also as of this writing, I am crocheting a baby sweater. This another one of those life events that can take the place of paining. It is about 70% completed. Attempting to finish this task on a timely basis has been a challenge. A neighbor of mine who, in my opinion, is practically an expert at crocheting, told me the directions I am using even confused her! The look on her face was priceless when I told her the directions were taken from a "beginners" book! Be that as it may, I am pressing on and attempting to create a thing of beauty... complete with ruffles. God willing it will fit.

   As far as goals are concerned, finishing two more paintings this week is one of them. Oil spill inspired works are still the theme from last year. They are still flowing strong. In the weeks to come, it will be my goal to polish the earlier paintings of this series and to have them show ready by June. Just taking things one goal... and one experience at a time.

   Until next time,
   The Happy Painter,

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Painting Spectrum - Breathtaking Moments; A Year In Review

   The morning I wrote today's post, the weather was a balmy 40 degrees and it was raining. For coastal Maine in late December - this is balmy. My husband and I ventured outside and walked to our church service. When we reached the parking lot, we realized the storm drains in said parking lot we're clogged and the surface was a skating rink covered in water. To traverse or not to traverse... we paused in the pouring rain and wondered. If we turned around now, there was no chance of slipping, falling, or getting my clothes soaking wet when I fall on my ass. The distance, while only approximately forty or fifty feet, seemed like an eternity. My husband Dave started making his way over what was left of a rain-soaked snow bank, while I looked one last time at all that ice. Near the snow bank were some rough tire tracks that were now formed in ice. With the help of the snow as well as the uneven surface of the tracks, we made it safely to our destination.

   Once inside the warm, dry building, the priest who was leading the service asked me to sing the opening hymn as the organist was running late due to the weather. For the 2nd time in approximately 10 minutes, I was at another decision crossroad. I was honored he asked me, but my heart was pounding from nervousness. It was then as if I heard a little voice that stated, "Trust me." I was filled with confidence. I began singing the opening hymn acapella, and the rest of the church joined in. It was quite moving, breathtaking - and not because I was the one who led it.

   Later on that day, I was pondering certain events over the past year that were also breathtaking. Everything from my grand children's birthdays, going hot air ballooning during the summer, as well as attending a Veterans Day memorial service in honor of my deceased father who served in the Vietnam War, In addition to those moments, I thought about all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, flowers, smiles on all our friends faces during too-numerous events to list over the past 12 months, to the first snow fall in mid-December; it all adds up to an amazing life.

   Now - what do all these "breathtaking" moments have to do with art? Another one of these moments came as I stepped up my creative process as well as my works to another level. Have you ever had that feeling when you've taken your passion to the next level? It's hard to describe, but you feel it in your heart. One aspect of this next level are more shows in 2017 - my husband and I have three months worth of shows already lined up with more on the contract negotiating table. Another aspect is I've honed in on my style and colors. I've even taken my oil spill inspired series to another level.

   In my paintings, I hope to show that there is still beauty in ugly things - man made or not. In viewing small-scale oil spills, (parking lot small scale), the light brings out patterns that we might not have witnessed otherwise, or if we weren't paying attention. In the end, if we become more aware of these problems, we may come to ways that decrease our inhumanity to nature as well as ourselves. That right there, friends, is beauty.

   I  am grateful for my life and the time I have to explore my world. I took a hiatus from painting for the month of December until January 6th. After that time, all the Christmas season decorations will come down and I'll get a large part of my studio back! I was talking with two other local artists last week, and they as well are not painting until after the holidays. I actually felt relieved that I was not the only one. One of these artists occasionally paints with nail polish. I had a dream recently that I painted one of my oil spill paintings, and then added nail polish over it.

   At first, I thought it would be too time consuming. In reality, it would be if the work was a 16"x20" in size or larger. Also, on a freshly painted work, the oil paint would have to dry first before applying the nail polish - and that would take at least several weeks. I decided to give it a go on two older works that are both 5"x7" in size and I was amazed at the outcome. I used sparkle nail polish and only applied it to certain areas. The result was breathtaking.

Here's to more breathtaking moments in 2017! Happy New Year!
The Intrigued Painter,