Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Painting For Pleasure Or Profit?

     I'm back in the trows aromatizing the kitchen with the blessed odor of turpentine - even though the door to my make-shift studio is open and it's a balmy 62 degrees; that's warm here in Maine for mid October.

     Life has taken many twists since my last blog post here; A quick recap: I seriously injured myself back in March while trying to embark on a Masters Degree program called Art in Education. After that intensive weekend - I quit. I had to listen to my body first and foremost, and then to a friend who shared her similar experience of pressing forward only to make it halfway through her Masters program. Now she still had to pay thousands of dollars back via her student loan.

     It made sense to me - I didn't even have my teaching degree, so in all reality, this Masters Degree program most likely wouldn't have even landed me a job in the end. I made a smart move by recognizing my folly before it was too late.

     March, April, and May - we encountered a financial crises as my husband lost his job while taking time off to assist me. Rent, as well as other bills, came due and we were short on cash. At that moment, the seed was planted; we had to move and alleviate ourselves of life accumulating stuff. I undertook the sorting and yard sailing mode for the months of May as well as June.

     In July, we began a series of sales. My paintings were on the lawn priced to go. The most uplifting customers where two young girls who loved my bright bold abstracts. I let two paintings go for the cost of materials, knowing they would be appreciated and taken care of - I rested easy on that decision.

     Another week, a man devalued my work when I asked for a bit more in the works selling price. He stormed off. I could tell he truly did not love the work. As a result, I didn't put my paintings out for sale again.

     As an artist, I put my heartfelt expressions of life into each of my works. Some may say, "It's your personality. They want to meet the creator." or "It's the novelty - you're in a yard sale, in Maine - people expect a cheap bargain."

     I know I was born to paint. I have quite a collection that I am carrying around with me. What to do about it? As of this writing, I honestly don't know. My works have been in galleries, in numerous shows, in outdoor art markets, on Etsy, on eBay, as well as Artspan. While I've sold numerous paintings in addition to reprints, I've only had small priced sales. It is time to rethink my sales tactics, and get back into the habit of painting daily.

     Until tomorrow -
     The Happy Painter,
     Jill Marie Langdon