Friday, March 8, 2013

The Daily Spectrum- Day Four - Part Four

Universal Abstracts

Completion of a dream.  This painting proves that anything done one step at a time can be done.  What seems insurmountable one day, can be worked on the following day.  Some days are harder to face than others, and some paintings too.

The uncertainty of what direction to take. Will this idea (or path) work out?  Is this my destiny?  Is this painting finished yet?  What more do you want me to do to you?  The questioning never ends...until there comes that one point, when there is no room left on the page to put any other mark.

I wonder if that is how it is with the Universe? Are there too many people? Have we come to completion in Creation? Or are there many more moons to be made?  Are there more plants to discover or places that haven't been exploited yet?

Imagine a universe where Love is understood by all peoples; where every person is filled with hope, peace, and joy.  Can you imagine all people smiling and laughing.

Just believe and it is so.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - Are We There Yet

The Daily Spectrum- Day Three -  Part Three

     Daily painting blog - day # 21. No - you are not seeing or reading double. While this is the 2nd post that was done today, the one I published earlier was for yesterday... just trying to get caught up!

     I was off to a late start today with my painting. Distractions were easily found, although they were of a different variety than yesterday. The main distraction for today was my lack of focus - it was way off. My body was not cooperating, and the cold, damp weather here in the Northeast doesn't do my body any favors, either.

     It wasn't until the end of the afternoon that I found myself at a small crossroad - the ideas were really flowing by that point, but physically, I was starting to give out. I felt I made the wise choice (not the easiest however) by ending the day on a good note. The ideas will still be there tomorrow - by stopping now, so can I physically. 

The Daily Painting - "Paintus Interruptus"

     Daily painting blog - day #20. There are just some days when having a painting come to completion just doesn't happen... and yesterday was one of those days!

     Between the phone calls (regular business as well as birthday wishes), a client dropping by unexpectedly, and even the mailman ringing the doorbell because I had to accept a parcel - focusing on the dynamics of this painting did not happen in the cohesive manner in which I am used to.

     However - I did complete the work I set out to do. So, here it is - a work in progress. Part #2, day #2.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - The First Step

     Sometimes in art as well as in life, the first step can be an extremely scarey prospect. Luckily for me, I began this series of paintings via a pad of watercolor that I scribbled different designs on last summer after discovering more about Abstract Painting techniques. I followed the directions on how to begin.

     Then ideas began flowing; I spied a stencil of words and objects, and continued letting the symbols fall where they would.

     I've set a firm foundation on paper for this painting as well as for my life. Tonight (March 5th 2013) I am embarking on my journey further on the educational path: in pursuit of a Masters Degree in Arts in Education.

     I'm imagining what classes will be life; pushing past the fear and uncertainty; wishing the courses would be easy; hoping to understand the material; loving the art portion and being joy-filled to meet new people on the same path and believing this is the right course, in life, for me.

- J -

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - All That Is

     This painting began with a free flowing pencil design, then was overlaid with stencils. My next step was mixing a violet color and tracing all the lines. Afterwards, I filled in some violet spots as a background to add depth.

     With that completed, I painted in yellow with the idea of the painting being "light", red filled in the hearts that seemed to have come from nowhere, and green for any leaf shapes. The orange I used was for more light variety and the blue for sky as well as water areas.

     Lastly, I went over the entire design with metallic paints for reflective highlights. This gave the illusion of all the colors vibrating. This painting, believe it or not, contains seven layers. Seven is the universal number that means "completion". Just like God, it is time for me to give this painting a rest.

- J -

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Daily Spectrum - The Wild Winds Do Blow (Especially in the Scraps of Life)

     Daily painting blog - day # 16. A beginning of a painting was started last night when a few of my students needed directions;
Student: "How do I make clouds?"
Myself: "Well, what type of clouds do you want? Cumulus? Stratus? Cirrus?"
Student: "Big, puffy ones."
Myself: "Show me what your thinking on the scrap page."

     She began using black and blue to make a dark grey color for the bottom of her clouds. Unfortunately, she then got trapped into a stylized "C" and "U" forms. Then she stopped - frustrated - and said, "These don't look like clouds..."

     "Here, let me show you how to add some white and fluffiness to it." My wild side was set free as I dabbed the liquid around her creation. Instantly, a March sky was produced. Grey and cloudy with depth and dimension. The mood was set.

     She began working on her own painting and I continued to play with the paint that was already on the scrap piece of painting paper. My style of color was different than hers, which is perfectly fine, so I left it to be completed at another time.

     This morning with my palette of favorite colors - I added both Sap green as well as Hunter green for the pine trees to the island. Veridian and Yellow Ocre to the foreground and Sap green once again was used for grass blades to hint at the path to the water. Then I added a Peach blend over the sky to add the illusion of a sunset.

     Not bad for only approximately 20-30 minutes work in the morning. Now - onward into the depths of my soul for an abstract of light and love. The muse seems to be stopping by and I welcome it with open arms. I hope everyone has a day that is as fulfilling as mine is already. It's all in your perception. It's what you make of it.

- J -