The Daily Spectrum- Day Four - Part Four
Universal Abstracts
Completion of a dream. This painting proves that anything done one step at a time can be done. What seems insurmountable one day, can be worked on the following day. Some days are harder to face than others, and some paintings too.
The uncertainty of what direction to take. Will this idea (or path) work out? Is this my destiny? Is this painting finished yet? What more do you want me to do to you? The questioning never ends...until there comes that one point, when there is no room left on the page to put any other mark.
I wonder if that is how it is with the Universe? Are there too many people? Have we come to completion in Creation? Or are there many more moons to be made? Are there more plants to discover or places that haven't been exploited yet?
Imagine a universe where Love is understood by all peoples; where every person is filled with hope, peace, and joy. Can you imagine all people smiling and laughing.
Just believe and it is so.